FAQ generated from conversation about TollGate
Technical Architecture
- Uses TCP/IP capable hardware
- Integrates with captive portals
- Services don’t require static IP addresses or domains
- Built on Nostr for service interoperability
Payment Technologies
- Supports multiple payment methods:
- Bitcoin e-cash (primary method)
- LNURLw codes (inferior bearer asset due to trust in gateway)
- interested in learning about BOLT12 for bearer assets
E-cash Usage
- Uses e-cash as bearer assets
- Enables offline purchases
- Prime number denominations make e-cash notes long
- Provides trust-minimised interaction with gateway thanks to small data purchases
Technical Benefits
- No static IP requirement
- Offline payment capability
- Decentralised services across multiple devices
- Somewhat hardware agnostic (works with TCP/IP capable devices)
Development Status
- Active full-time development
- Open for contributor participation
- Undergoing architecture improvements